Teleflora provides innovative marketing, education, and technology to make sure our member florists get the resources they need to thrive, creating beautiful bouquets with keepsake vases delivered to your door. We’ve been a part of The Wonderful Company family since 1979, and with a nationwide network of florists, we’ve become the world’s largest flower delivery service. With more than 10,000 member florists in North America, we lead the industry by working directly with our florists to hand-arrange and hand deliver every bouquet!
Teleflora brings together the time-honored tradition of sending flowers with the modern benefits of an advanced florist network, offering the kind of personal touches, artistry and expertise you expect from a trusted neighborhood florist--even if that neighborhood is across the country.
This position will be involved in the development, implementation, and deployment of jobs, reports, and dashboards. The Data Warehouse Cloud Engineer will assist in providing critical technical solutions on various projects for the company. This position is also responsible for performing proof-of-concepts; report creation and distribution; documentation and presentation of BI standards and guidelines; design and development of ETL processes. Additionally, this person is responsible for analyzing customer requirements as well as identifying and implementing strategies. This is a hands-on technical individual contributor role. Excellent candidates will be very strong in Python and SQL. Remote position with one day per month working in the Oklahoma City office.
This position is not eligible for immigration/visa sponsorship
Say everything and share your "Love Out Loud™" with the gift of Teleflora® flowers—all made by hand and delivered by hand by your local florist. With more than 10,000 member florists in North America alone, Teleflora offers the kind of personal touches, artistry and expertise you expect from a trusted neighborhood florist—even if that neighborhood is across the country. No prepackaged flowers in nondescript boxes dropped on your doorstep—Teleflora's network of professional florists creates artistic arrangements personally delivered in a vase, often on the same day. Teleflora makes every day an occasion with a two-in-one gift that includes a multipurpose keepsake container for long-lasting enjoyment. For more, visit: , or follow us on Instagram and Facebook and tag your own #LoveOutLoud moment.
Teleflora has been part of The Wonderful Company since 1979. The Wonderful Company is an Equal Opportunity Employer that provides opportunities for advancement. We are committed to creating a diverse workforce that embodies a deep culture of acceptance, equity, and inclusion. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, age, protected veteran status, or other protected categories.
EEO is the law - click here for more information
...Remote Licensed Psychiatrist Wage: Between $148-$232 an hour Are you a licensed Psychiatrist looking to launch a private practice, or grow your existing practice? Headway can help you earn more through insurance! Headway supports thousands of mental health...
...ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Operate a commercial motor vehicle (CMV) to... ...Planning the most efficient route for deliveries within the designated area, taking into... driving practices, properly securing cargo, and being aware of potential hazards...
...configurationused for testingTest any newly developed objectsSupport Security activities.Assist with Security analysis & administer Central... ...BA/BS with 4-5 years experience Strong comprehension of SAP Security concepts Ability totroubleshoot SAP authorization...
Progressive growth and responsibility come to those that master strategy, compliance and negotiation. Assist with the training and development process for new associates. Learn to manage and maintain client accounts.
What are you working on?~ Platforms: PC, Mobile, Browser, Social For which tasks (responsibilities)? Creating promotional texts for landing pages: - Developing texts for promotions, special offers, bonuses, tournaments, and other events. - Adapting texts...